Meet Our Kappa League Officers

Clarence Fuller III
I am a rising Senior attending at Walter Johnson High School and the current Historian of the Silver Spring Alumni Kappa League. Originally I lived in the state of Connecticut, but I moved to Maryland at the age of 11. Ever since I was in sixth grade I've been involved in Kappa league and in my sophomore year I also served as historian. Outside of Kappa league, I am a student athlete on Walter Johnson’s track and field team.
1st Vice-President

Trey Custodio
I am a rising Senior attending Norfolk Academy. This year will be my second year in the Kappa League. So far I have had an incredible experience in being a member of the Kappa League and I have built new relationships, gained more confidence, and developed my public speaking skills. This year I am looking forward to serving the Kappa League as the first Vice President. At my school I am a student-athlete and an avid wrestler. I love to challenge myself by taking difficult classes and striving for more victories on the wrestling mat. I am also the senior class president as well as the captain of the wrestling team. I am looking forward to continuing my academic and athletic career in college and to study either computer science or something else in the tech field.
2nd Vice- President
TJ Putney
I am a rising Junior attending Paint Branch High School...
3rd Vice-President
Bryce Rouse
I am a rising Freshman attending Calvert Hall College High School...

Cameron Frey
I am a rising sophomore attending Reservoir High School. Joining Kappa League in eighth grade helped me grow my leadership skills as well as getting better at public speaking. This program has been a great learning experience and has taught me a lot about basic life skills that are needed immensely. This year I am the Kappa League secretary and hope to fulfill my role as an officer. I am also a student athlete and run track for my high school. I graduate with the Senior class of 2024 and wish to cherish the memories of today as well as accomplish great achievements in the future.

Imran Baptiste
I am a rising Junior attending Springbrook High School, I can proudly verbalize that I have grown mentally, and verbally as a result of joining Kappa League in 9th Grade. As the Treasurer, it is my obligation to raise funds and give reports while additionally leading fundraising committees and inspiring those to contribute to the funds of Kappa League. I still have much to learn as a Treasurer, and even more to learn as a student, and so I will perpetuate this peregrination of leadership and responsibility.
Assistant Treasurer

Rodney Smith
I am a rising Senior attending Bowie High School. The Kappa League Leadership program has been an important factor in young men's live for many years and I am no exception. Serving as the Treasurer for this Kappa League year has allowed me develop skills that are essential in my everyday life. My social skills and leadership skills have greatly improved since my attendance during my eight grade year. This program has enabled me to become more comfortable in social situations and allowed me to use leadership skills within the program and in school. Additionally, the program has enchanted my organization skills in my everyday life. I currently serve as the assistant treasurer. This program has an influential aspect in my life and will continue to help me develop as I enter into my adulthood.
Asa Corlette-Williams
I am a rising Freshman attending Avalon High School...
Public Relations Director
Tory Davis
I am a rising Junior attending Northwest High School...

Kyle Swygert
I am a rising Freshman attending James Hubert Blake High School. I have been an active member of the Kappa League Leadership Program since 2019. By participating in the program, my leadership and social skills have grown, as well as developed my confidence, character, and level of responsibility. This is my first year in a leadership position and I am currently serving as the Silver Spring Kappa League Sergeant At Arms. Outside of Kappa League, I am also a member of the Blake High School Roaring Bengals Marching Band where I play the Snare Drum.